Increase bench press performance - use elbow sleeves
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Increase bench press performance - use elbow sleeves

by Nordic Training Gear 3 min read

Bench press is a basic exercise in gym training that mainly trains the chest muscles. However, bench press is good for the whole upper body and also your arms. That the bench press has become one of the most popular exercises when it comes to training the chest is not surprising. In order to bench press correctly and allow for an increase in weights, there are certain things you should consider. The most crucial parts of your bench press ability are technique, efficiency and muscle mass. The technique refers to the performance that you consciously or unconsciously do. For example, which position you assume and how you carry out the movement. Efficiency refers to your neuromuscular or motor ability. One of the most important things you can improve with training is the coordination between agonist and antagonist in the movement. Even how effectively you can activate muscle cells at all. Muscle mass is the amount and size of muscle cells in the working muscles.

Elbow sleeves when bench pressing

Elbow sleeves is protection for the elbow that is designed to prevent and treat problems such as pain, swelling and inflammation in the elbow joint. Elbow sleeves can be used both for everyday use and during training. The elbows have an essential role in the bench press. Using elbow sleeves when performing bench press exercises can be a good choice. The elbow sleeves for bench press can give you extra help to hold the barbell correctly. They also give you extra support and confidence. Elbow sleeves when bench pressing is suitable for both beginners and more experienced lifters. If you are one of the more experienced, elbow sleeves can be a good idea to use when training with maximum weight or to break new, bigger barriers. The bar puts a lot of stress on your arms and elbows, so elbow sleeves can be beneficial.

Elbow sleeves

Why should you use elbow sleeves when bench pressing?

With heavy bench press, tendon damage, tendinopathy, can occur. These injuries are characterized by pain in the back of the elbow and the pain is usually relieved during the session, but usually gets worse afterwards. The triceps muscle has the task of extending the elbow joint, and tendon injuries often occur when the tendon is overloaded and if the execution is poor or incorrect. It can therefore be positive to use elbow sleeves during bench press to minimize the risk of the tendon being overloaded.

How does elbow sleeves work when bench pressing?

Elbow sleeves create compression and warmth. This in turn leads to increased blood circulation in the elbows and in the muscles of the arm. The elbow sleeves are usually used when the elbows are subjected to stress. Examples of such occasions are bench press and shoulder press. When you use elbow sleeves when bench pressing, you can perform better by gaining better control and stability during the exercise. This is because the sleeves create stability for muscles and joints through their support and the warmth they provide. Use the elbow sleeves when bench pressing and other training for extra stability and as a preventative measure to prevent injuries. You can also use the protectors after your workout to support the recovery process by reducing pain and swelling. Order our high quality elbow sleeves here.
Nordic Training Gear
Max Andrén
Writer & Co-Owner

Max Andrén is a writer and co-owner of Nordic Training Gear
He has a great passion for gym training and training accessories

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