What are Figure 8 Lifting Straps? | NTGear
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What are figure 8 lifting straps?

by Nordic Training Gear 3 min read

Figure 8 lifting straps are a type of lifting strap used to provide a secure grip when lifting heavy weights. Their unique design is shaped like the number 8, providing a secure and stable fit for the heaviest lifts.

These straps provide a tight grip by attaching the wrists to the bar, which helps to increase grip strength and minimize the risk of hand injuries. Even if you lose your grip, you will still be attached to the bar thanks to the straps.

Due to their ability to provide a strong grip, figure 8 lifting straps are an excellent strap to use for heavy deadlifts and shrugs. However, they have a disadvantage compared to other straps. Since you are attached to the bar, it can be difficult to quickly abort the lift if needed. Therefore, it is not recommended to use these straps for exercises that require quick release of the bar, such as snatches and cleans.

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How to use figure 8 lifting straps

Using figure 8 lifting straps is easy and requires little time or effort. Here are the steps to use them correctly (Also see the video below.):
  1. Put the straps over your wrists - start by grabbing the top of the strap and pulling it over your hand to form a loop around your wrist.
  2. Loop the strap around the bar - while holding the open part of the loop, feed the strap under the bar and then put your hand through the loop.
  3. Adjust your hand placement and grip - Once you have secured the loop around the bar and your wrist, you can adjust your hand placement and grip on the bar. It is important to make sure the strap is securely around the bar and not slipping off.
  4. Repeat for the other hand - Repeat the process for your other hand by putting the other strap over your other hand and looping it around the bar.
  5. Attach both straps at once - Once you become more comfortable using figure 8 lifting straps, you can also attach both straps to the bar at the same time.
By using figure 8 lifting straps correctly, you can lift heavier weights. So if you want a safer grip during heavy lifts, you can try using figure 8 lifting straps.

How much weight can your figure 8 lifting straps handle?

We have done the best and most realistic test possible on our figure 8 lifting straps. We started by attaching the figure 8 lifting straps to the hooks on the lifting rack, to simulate a pair of hands, and then hung a barbell in the figure 8 lifting straps, as in a regular deadlift. We filled the barbell with weight plates until we reached 610 kg / 1344 lb and then had two people sit on the barbell, resulting in a final total weight of 850 kg / 1785 lb. Link to video.

Summary of what figure 8 lifting straps are.

Figure 8 lifting straps are a type of lifting strap that are shaped like the number 8. These straps are designed to help you grip the bar and prevent it from slipping out of your hands during heavy lifts. Our figure 8 lifting straps are tested to withstand weights of up to 850 kg / 1785 lb and are therefore very strong and reliable.

The special design makes it impossible for you to drop the bar, making it easier for you to focus on the lift itself instead of worrying about the bar slipping out of your hands. Figure 8 lifting straps are particularly suitable for heavy deadlifts, shrugs, and farmer's walks, where it is important to be able to hold onto the bar throughout the lift.

In summary, figure 8 lifting straps are a valuable tool for those who want to improve their performance and safety during heavy lifts. Their strong construction and special design make them a great choice for those who want to maximize their results and minimize the risk of injury.
You can find our high-quality figure 8 lifting straps in various sizes and colors here.
Nordic Training Gear
Max Andrén
Writer & Co-Owner

Max Andrén is a writer and co-owner of Nordic Training Gear
He has a great passion for gym training and training accessories

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