Get better grip - use socks for deadlift | NTGear
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Get better grip - use socks for deadlift

by Nordic Training Gear 2 min read

Deadlift are one of the most popular exercises in gym training and are performed by lifting a barbell off the ground until you stand upright with the bar hanging in your straight arms. Deadlift is one of three branches of powerlifting and a fantastic basic exercise for building strength and muscle mass. The exercise activates several large muscle groups. It can sometimes be difficult to know how to go about doing deadlift in the best way. There are certain factors that can improve your technique and execution of your deadlift. One of those factors is the socks you use when deadlifting.

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Deadlift and socks

There are many different types of socks you can use when training. When doing deadlift, it can be beneficial to wear long socks. This is because when deadlifting you lift the bar close to your shins, which makes it easy to tear the skin and you can get bleeding wounds. It hurts and can also bleed equipment. If you also got a scab on your shins, you will now tear it up every time you deadlift. The advantage of deadlift socks is that they protect the shins against injuries such as lacerations and bruises as they go up to the knee and are made of a durable material to protect the legs. It is important that the socks do not slide down when you exercise in them. The socks should be comfortable, stable and reliable so that you can train without having to think about your socks. The high deadlift socks can also give you extra support, which can always be nice when you have to lift heavy. It is therefore not enough to just wear tights when you are going to perform deadlift as they do not have the same protective properties as deadlift socks.

Deadlift socks

Deadlift socks for deadlift

Many people think that the type of socks you wear when training doesn't matter. But the fact is that it actually matters! In weightlifting and deadlift, your feet are your base, so it is understandable that what you wear on your feet matters. Proper deadlift socks can give you a better grip when deadlift. We have anti-slip pads under our socks to enable a better grip on the floor. This is particularly suitable for people who do sumo deadlift where the legs are wide apart and there is a risk that the weight and the bar will get on the feet if the feet start to slide towards the floor. You can also stably and safely do squats in just socks if you use deadlift socks with anti-slip underneath. Here you can order all our deadlift socks.
Nordic Training Gear
Max Andrén
Writer & Co-Owner

Max Andrén is a writer and co-owner of Nordic Training Gear
He has a great passion for gym training and training accessories

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