Elbow pain during bench press | NTGear
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Elbow pain during bench press

by Nordic Training Gear 3 min read

Bench press is a popular strength training exercise that involves pushing a barbell from the chest with the help of the arms. However, for many people, it can lead to pain in the elbow, or tennis elbow syndrome as it is also called. This is an overuse injury that occurs when the muscles in the elbow are overused and can lead to pain, swelling, and stiffness in the area.

Causes of elbow pain during bench press

There are many different causes of experiencing elbow pain during bench press. Here are some common factors:
  • Overuse: Overuse means that the muscles in the elbow have been loaded more than they are capable of handling. It can occur, for example, if you perform too many reps or use too heavy weights during bench press. Overuse can lead to muscle soreness, fatigue, and pain in the elbow. If you experience elbow pain after exercise, especially during a certain movement or load, it may be a sign that your elbows have been overloaded. You may also feel tired and have difficulty performing your usual exercises in the same way as before.
  • Poor technique: Having poor technique when performing bench press, such as having an incorrect grip or not having the right body posture, can also cause elbow pain. Incorrect grip in bench press may mean that you have a grip that is too wide or too close around the bar, or that you do not have a steady grip around the bar. An incorrect grip can cause stress on the muscles and joints in the elbow and lead to pain and injuries.
  • Lack of rest: Not giving the muscles in the elbow enough rest between training sessions can also cause injuries and pain. It is important to give the muscles in the elbow enough rest between training sessions to allow them to recover and build up their strength. Rest does not mean that you cannot move your elbows at all, but you should avoid performing bench press or other heavy exercises for the elbows every day. A general recommendation is to rest for at least 24 hours between training sessions for the same muscle group. You can also vary your training routine and focus on other muscle groups on certain days to give your elbows some extra rest.
  • Cold: Inflammation in the tendons in the elbow can also be caused by a cold or other infections.
Elbow pain during bench press

Solutions for elbow pain during bench press

If you experience elbow pain during bench press, there are several things you can do to alleviate the pain and prevent injury:
  • Use elbow sleeves: Elbow sleeves are compression sleeves that provide support to the muscles in the elbow and can help alleviate pain and prevent injury.
  • Stretch: Stretching can help release tension in the muscles in the elbow and reduce pain.
  • Use a hand warmer: Placing a hand warmer on the elbow can help alleviate pain and increase blood circulation, which can help heal injuries.
  • Take breaks: Make sure to take breaks during your workout and give the muscles in your elbow enough rest between training sessions.
  • Adjust your technique: Make sure you have the right technique when performing bench press so that you don't put too much strain on your elbow. Have the right grip position, keep your back straight, and so on.
  • Use lighter weights: If you use weights that are too heavy, it can cause overload and injury to your elbow. Try lowering the weights and see if it helps.
  • Consult a doctor: If you experience elbow pain that doesn't go away after a few days, you should consult a doctor or physical therapist for proper treatment and care.

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Elbow pain during bench press is a common problem

In summary, elbow pain during bench press can be a common problem for people who do strength training. There are many different causes of this pain and it is important to find a solution that works for you. Using elbow sleeves, stretching, using a hand warmer, taking breaks, and proper technique can all be useful tools for alleviating pain and preventing injury. Don't forget to consult a doctor if you experience pain that doesn't go away after a few days. You can find our high-quality elbow sleeves here.
Nordic Training Gear
Max Andrén
Writer & Co-Owner

Max Andrén is a writer and co-owner of Nordic Training Gear
He has a great passion for gym training and training accessories

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